





Samuel Adams Heritage Society

Pre-Revolution Activities

Coercive Acts

After the Boston Tea Party the Crown aimed to restore public order in Massachusetts and as a result they imposed the Intolerable Acts in 1774. At this point the population was very angry at these harsh measures and Samuel Adams believed that the implementation of these acts was a direct violation of their rights.

SA capitalized on this situation to promote his own agenda of independence by writing for the press. He also proposed the boycott of British goods in Boston with the help of the Boston Town Meeting and the Sons of Liberty. SA became to loudest voice claiming independence from Britain.

These acts were also known as Coercive Acts and they included the Boston Port Bill, Quartering Act, Administration of Justice Act and the Massachusetts Government Act. A new governor, General Thomas Gage was appointed to enforce them.

The Boston Port Bill closed the port in Boston until the city paid East India Company for the cost of the tea that was destroyed on during the Boston Tea Party. The Quartering Act required all the colonies, no only Massachusetts, to provide living accommodations to soldiers stationed in the colonies including private homes. The Administration of Justice Act called for the governor to decide at his own discretion the location of the trials of British officials accused of crimes when they were carrying out of their duties. And lastly, the Massachusetts Government Act was designed to keep control of locally appointed officials, all the authoritative positions had to be loyally nominated, therefore undermining the nascent American democracy.

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