





Samuel Adams Heritage Society

Declaration of independence

Less than a month after the Battles of Lexington and Concord the Second Continental Congress took place in Philadelphia. John Hancock was appointed as its new president with the objection of Adams.

Many important decisions were taken including a complete break from Britain and self colonial government as a confederation of 13 states. They also decided to create a new army, the Continental Army, under the command of George Washington. The members of this Congress wrote and signed The Declaration of Independence. In his famous speech about the declaration of independence Sam Adams stresses the importance of the Union and the Constitution as well as the role of virtue and religion in the republican government.

SA’s role in the Second Continental Congress was to draft the Articles of Confederation which was not ratified by all the states until 1781. This was the first Constitution of the United States of America. He also cooperated on military committees to guarantee the success of the war effort against the British. SA participated in the Second Continental Congress from 1775 until 1781 when he retired and moved permanently to Boston.

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